Monday, June 8, 2015

Why Are There Moths and Larvae in My Pet's Food?

Why are There Moths and Larvae in My Pet's Food?
Indian Meal Moth

It's that time of the year when we start recieving calls about dog food appearing to have moths or larvae in it. Just like dry grains and flour products in people food, pet food can contain "meal moth" eggs that, in hot conditions hatch out. While these moths are considered harmless, we do not recommend storing pet food in places that are not climate controlled. This includes places like garages and storage sheds. 
For more information about storing your pet's food check our this link.

-Amanda Kellogg, RVT
Kutter Pet Care Center 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Spring into Heartworm Awareness

Heartworm life cycle
                                          When Should You Start Heartworm Prevention?

Spring is around the corner and many pet owners are wondering when they should start heartworm prevention.  The answer is, YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER STOPPED!  Tsk Tsking aside, there's a logic to why we recommend year round heartworm prevention.  The first reason is because weather in Kansas is crazy!  We could have weather mild enough in January or February for mosquitoes to come out.   The second reason is that heartworm preventatives are just that, preventatives.  Heartworm prevention works by killing the heartworm while it's still in it's larval stage.   Here's a scenario:  Let's say that in October you give your pet's dose of Heartgard.  It kills any larvae that may be present currently in it's system (the active ingredient only last's in the dogs system for 24-48 hours).  Then your dog gets bit towards the end of the month because the weather has remained warm.   The heartworm larvae now have a full 3-4 months to mature and then when the Heartgard is started up again in the spring, it's not going to kill the mature heartworms that your dog now has!

If you've stopped prevention this winter, please don't let that discourage you from starting it back up again.  Chances are, your dog is fine.  However, it's always a good idea to test for heartworms if you've stopped for any period of time.   Spring is a great time to get back into the swing of things.  We have many great specials going on right now if you need to stock back up.  Give us a call or stop by!

-Amanda Kellogg, R.V.T 
Kutter Pet Care Center