Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Can pets get fleas in the winter?

It is a common misconception that pets cannot get fleas in the winter time and therefore, many pet owners are taking their pets off of their monthly flea preventatives.  Here in the Midwest, it is especially important to keep you pet on year-round parasite prevention.
  • Treating fleas only in the Summer makes it difficult to prevent initial infestations.  Once fleas are noted, they have already produced thousands of eggs in your home.  These eggs will hatch out in the months to come and your pet will need a preventative to kill these new fleas.
  • Due to changing climatic conditions, flea and tick "season" also is changing.   Milder winters means thriving flea and tick populations.  
  • Fleas can live inside homes no matter how cold it is outside! 
  • Many of our staff and clients reported seeing ticks and mosquitoes in January of last year!!!  
Be sure to purchase a your flea preventatives from your veterinarian.  They will be able to recommend the right product for your pet and unlike stores, they will have manufacturer guarantees. 

-Amanda Ward, R.V.T.
Kutter Pet Care Center 

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