Friday, November 8, 2013

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Sick

Cats by instinct hide their illnesses so even subtle changes in their behavior can be cause for alarm.   So how do you know if your cat is sick?  In addition to the obvious such as vomiting, sneezing, and diarrhea, watch closely for any of these signs:

1.      Not using the litter box:  Whether it’s urine or feces, a cat that stops using its litter box could be suffering from physical or psychological discomfort. 

2.       Your cat just isn’t acting like itself:  Even slight changes in the way your cat interacts with you or other pets can signal pain or distress. 

3.       Changes in activity levels: Decreases and increases alike can both be signs of illness

4.       Changes in eating habits:  This could mean eating more or eating less than usual.  Please note- if your cat hasn't eaten in 2 days bring them to your veterinarian ASAP!  Cats can develop a life threatening condition from just a few days of starvation.

5.       Unexplained weight loss or gain:  Does your cat feel lighter/heavier or do bones protrude more noticeably?

6.       Excessive grooming or lack of grooming:  Has your cat been licking obsessively or to the point of hair loss?  Is the coat matted or appear unkempt?

7.       Increased or changed vocalization:  Has she started meowing at night or does her meow sound different or more frequent than it used to?

8.       Bad breath:  Stinky kitty breath is not normal.  It could mean painful periodontal disease as well at many other conditions

9.       Hiding or sleeping in unusual places:  Has he began disappearing for long stretches of time or do you find him sleeping in a closet that he never used to sleep in?  Cats that don’t feel well will do this in an effort to hide it.

10.   She’s just getting older:  Old age isn’t a disease!  Many symptoms that owners chalk up to old age can, when caught early, be treatable which can help your pet’s quality of life. 

Many times cats are sick for several days before their caregiver notices.  Paying attention to your cat’s routine and personality can help you catch an illness early and potentially save its life!   

-Amanda Ward, R.V.T.
Kutter Pet Care Center 

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