Thursday, November 14, 2013

What are those white worms in my pet's poop?


MY PET'S POOP??????????
They’re creepy, they’re gross, and they are coming from your beloved pet!  If you see worms in your pet’s stool, or around his bottom it could be:

TAPEWORMS:  The most common sighting.  They look like either dried pieces of rice stuck to the fur around the anus or small (less than 1 inch) worms that change shape (either rounded or elongated).  These are actually segments of the tapeworm called proglottids that break off and get passed in the stool.  The causes of tapeworms are either from flea infestation or by ingestion of infected rodents.  They are diagnosed by observation and treatment is by prescription.  To prevent re-infestation, keep your pet on a veterinary flea preventative.
Tapeworm proglottids
MAGGOTS:  If you are seeing small white worms only on the stool outside during the summer, they are most likely maggots.  Flies lay their eggs on the feces and they hatch out into maggots within a day’s time.  While tapeworms are smooth and solid in color, you can see black ends and segmented bodies in maggots. Your pet does not require treatment but it might be helpful to make sure stool is picked up daily in the summer. 

ROUNDWORMS:  If you see long, spaghetti-like worms in your pet’s feces, they could be roundworms.  These are diagnosed by observation or by a microscopic fecal test.  Treatment is available by prescription.  To prevent re-infestation keep your pet on a year-round heartworm preventative that includes intestinal parasite control. 
It’s never pleasant to describe or discuss finding these parasites but it’s important to get your pet checked by its Veterinarian.  While intestinal parasites are easy to treat, they can cause serious health problems if left unchecked. 

 -Amanda Ward, R.V.T.
Kutter Pet Care Center

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